Discipleship Intern Training Program

Cost of Training


Costs of Housing


Cost and Housing

The cost of the training is the sum of three numbers:

1) A $3,200 registration fee to offset the cost of materials, ministries, instructor expenses, and group outings. This fee is due on the first day of training.

2) A $1,000 fee for a short-term mission trip in the spring to Central America. This fee is for flights, ground transportation, group meals, and evangelistic materials. This fee is due on January 15th, at about the midpoint of the nine-month internship.

3) Approximately $750 for computer software and books. Much of this is for Accordance Bible software, which is used daily in class. Interns who already have the books that are used in class and Accordance software can subtract the appropriate amount from this sum. For more information on the cost of books and class materials, see Books.


Interns are responsible for their own living expenses, personal transporation, and medical care. Information about apartments and houses for rent in the Lubbock area is available at the Lubbock section of Craigslist. Another source of information about housing is the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal. A two-bedroom apartment typically rents for about $800 per month in Lubbock. A three-bedroom house is about $1,200 per month. To view some typical listings of houses for rent, you can also view the rental listings at 806 Property Management.  

At times there are also a limited number of openings for singles and interns with small families who would like to find housing with a Christian family. Our policy is that single interns and married couples give a designated amount to their host families in order to help with expenses.

Information about the cost of food is available at Market Street United.